Y3 celebrate Chinese New Year

We learnt that Chinese New Year is a 15 day festival filled with celebrations and customs. We looked at the many ways in which Chinese people celebrate and why certain customs are important in their culture. To help celebrate Chinese New Year in style, Year 3 learnt how to do origami, make a Chinese dragon/lion, write Chinese symbols and much more!

Children pen their ‘charters to live by’!

As part of our current R.E topic, Giving and Receiving, the children in Year 4 have penned a charter to live by to express how they would like to live their lives during the Lenten period.

We discussed in class the words of Matthew’s Gospel (5:45-58) and what they felt was important in how they behaved amongst their family and the wider community before writing their charters.

Here are a few examples of their efforts.

St Mary’s make pledges for Safer Internet Day!

Children across the school took part in Safer Internet Day on February 9 as part of a nationwide campaign. Taking place each year, this year’s theme was ‘An Internet We Trust: Exploring Reliability In The Online World’ and the children discussed the importance of checking sources to ensure material we see online is trustworthy and not ‘fake news’.

Following a series of online and class-based lessons, the children then made their own individual Internet pledges for how they were going to strive to behave safely when online.

Here are examples of some of them from across the school.

Y3’s Egyptian projects

This term our topic has been ‘Ancient Egyptians’. We have spent lots of time learning all about Egyptian culture and spent time at home creating projects that reflect different aspects of this fascinating civilisation. Which one is your favourite?


Cubism is the word for Year 4!

Building on last week’s session on the artwork of Spanish painter Pablo Picasso, the children examined the abstract art form of Cubism this week before being inspired to produce their own self-portrait in a Cubist style.