All systems LEGO!

YEAR 4 continued their ‘Control’ topic in the Autumn term by working in small groups to build an alligator made from LEGO. They then spent time learning the meaning of the various instruction symbols before moving to the ICT suite to piece them together to program their alligator. Once they had successfully completed this, their alligator was able to open and close its mouth and even sense when an unfortunate finger was nearby and snap shut!

Green Fingers

In Science we are learning all about plants and seeds. To help us understand the process practically, we had a visit from our gardener, Rob. He spoke to us about three different grains and explained what they will become. Once we were outside, we each had a chance to plant a handful of each seed. We will be able to watch these grow through our classroom window!


Y4’s aim to make that change!

IT was all about showing a little more kindness this week as Y4 held their class assembly. Based around the theme of Change Starts With Us, the children blended drama, song and scripture to get their message across as part of Anti-Bullying Week 2019 before encouraging others to make that change too and try to be more kind.

Eco Warriors!

Today we had a visit from some students from The University of Nottingham to talk about sustainable energy. We discussed how we produce electricity and why using fossil fuel is bad for the environment. We learnt that we must begin to use sustainable energy. This means energy that can’t run out, like wind. In groups, we spent time designing our own wind turbine before producing our prototype.

Afterwards, we all shared our designs. The one that span around the most won because that meant it picked up the most wind!

Cyberwise visit

Year 3 had a visit from Guy Molyneux from Cyberwise. We spent the day learning and understanding a range of positive ways of using technology. We discussed the risks we may face online and how to reduce these risks. We also looked closely at which games are suitable for our age and why age restrictions are needed for these games.

To conclude our visit, we looked at a video of a situation that could happen online. We acted out different ways in which we can resist peer pressure and how to deal with online bullying.

Making the chain…

AS part of their Animals Including Humans topic, the children spent the afternoon examining food chains and learning some of the key scientific language associated with those chains before moving on to the more complicated food webs once their understanding was secure.

Retreat Day – All About Baptism!

We began our retreat by discussing the importance of baptism for Christians. We thought about the many symbols of baptism and the meaning behind them.

To help us understand how water symbolises washing away of sins, we wrote our name on a star, screwed it up and place it in a jug of water. The crumpled up star represented our sins, the water straightened out the paper representing our sins being erased.

After that we looked at the importance of a lit candle. We discussed how God is the light of the world and it represented Gods presence during baptism. We gathered together and lit a candle. Each of us held the candle and said a prayer.        

We then discussed the reason for using the Oil of Chrism and why the person being baptised traditionally wears white. To help us understand more clearly we wrote different sins on to a white board. No matter how many sins were on there, there was still a glimmer of white, showing purity. We wiped our board to show that our sins are cleared at baptism.

We then created bracelets and on each bracelet we tied a knot to show one prayer. The more knots we tied, the more prayers we made! We then ended our day by sharing our prayers.