Burning Pudding Lane!!

Today there was a huge fire at St Mary’s school!!

But don’t worry we had it all under control! The Year 2 topic about the Great Fire of London culminated in the burning of Pudding Lane today. The chidren had all brought in their amazing Tudor houses made at home. We then safely re-enacted the fire on the playground and what an experience it turned out to be for the children!

Some of their comments on the day:

That was the best day of my life! (John)

I felt like I was in The Great Fire of London! (Daisy)

My favourite bit was seening everyone’s houses burn, especially mine. (Tiyanna)

I loved it when there were only ashes left. (Love)

I loved the part when the ashes zoomed into the cloudy, blue sky. (Enoch)


Bread-Making in Year 2

On Tuesday March 23rd we made bread in our class. All the children were given ingredients to make a bread dough because we wanted to be just like Thomas Farriner, the baker who started The Great Fire of London. First, they had to weigh out the ingredients and mix them together in a bag. Then each child kneaded their dough inside the bag. The dough was taken home to be baked and shared with their families.


Year 2 had the ‘best afternoon ever’ watching the Nottingham Playhouse panto, Cinderella, this afternoon! It was made all the more exciting by the dark classroom and the snacks and drinks kindly provided by the parents. The children stamped their feet, booed and cheered in all the appropriate places and generally had a fantastic time.



Advent Retreat

On Monday December 14th, Issie, our school Chaplain, lead Year 2 in a retreat. We talked about the preparations you make for a journey and drew the items that Mary and Joseph would need in a rucksack. We then focused on how we prepare for Christmas and the coming of Jesus. In the afternoon, the children were introduced to the story of The Visitation and talked about how each of the people in the story would have felt-Mary, Elizabeth, Zachariah and Joseph.  They prepared short dramas about each of these people and their feelings. The day ended with the children preparing and taking part in a class Liturgy.


We were so excited to receive our 10 eggs in Year 2. We watched them carefully as they sat in the incubator and then, on Wednesday, lots of pipping and hatching began. The children were lucky enough to actually see one of the chicks finally breaking through its shell and taking it’s first breaths in the outside world. When their feathers dried out the chicks were transferred to the booster box where they were kept warm with a special heat lamp and they began to eat proper food and drink water. We were shocked to discover that, even though 2 of the eggs didnt hatch, we could still count 9 chicks! This meant that two chicks had actually hatched from one egg! Twins! Amazing! All of this excitement and joy at look  ing after our chicks will help the children in their Science work to understand animal life cycles.

Displays in Year 2

These are just a few examples of the displays on the walls in Year 2 at the moment. I’m sure you’ll agree, they are looking bright and colourful and covered in the children’s fantastic work.


Black History

During Black History Week, Year 2 learned all about the amazing Rosa Parks and the difference she made in America to racial equality. We also learned all about the brave nurse, Mary Seacole, who saved the lives of so many British soldiers in the Crimean War.


As part our first topic ‘What makes a hero?’ the children were asked to come to school dressed as Superheroes. It was a great way to celebrate the end of our History topic in which we had looked at real life heroes like Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole.

Baptism Retreat

On Monday October 12th, Issie, our school chaplain, joined us for a retreat. We reflected on Baptism and the signs and symbols that are associated with it. We wrote our sins on a star and then watched as they were washed away by the water in the bowl.